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Bulleted lists and numbered lists in PowerPoint

This article aims to show you how to set up lists of bullets or numbers in PowerPoint and how to animate lists.
We'll show you how to create, format and animate bullets and numbering in PowerPoint 2002 and 2003.

I. Overview

A. When to use them ?

These lists are meant to be used in two cases.

Bulleted lists: They are mainly used when we want to make a list.
Numbered lists: They are mainly used when we want to present a plan, such as a summary.

B. How to place them ?

To place a list there are two possibilities:

A text box or shape. All these components are in the bar pattern.

Bullets and numbering in Powerpoint

Shapes and Drawing in Powerpoint

C. Text box

The text box is the favorite spot for lists.

Simply select the icon in the drawing and position it in your slide.

Then, to create the items on your list, you simply enter the keyboard and confirm with Enter each element change button.

D. Forms

The positioning of a shape is similar to the positioning of a list box, however, the text does not line up on the left, but remains centered. You must select and align it on the left by clicking on the icon left alignment found in the toolbar below the menu, as in any word processor.

The use of a shape with respect to a text box is precisely to enable different presentations, with rounded angles and other frills.

II. Bullets lists

Bullet lists so used to conduct enumerations.

A. How to assign bullets to a list

Once your list types, you must select it.

Select your list elements

Then you need to right click on the selected list to display the context menu and select Bullets.

Select bullets in the menu

The window will display allows you to select the desired style of bullet.

Bullets menu

From here you can:

Select one of the 7 available bullets.
Set the size of the bullet (in% of the size of the text).
Select the color of the bullet.

If the bullets offered do not suit you, you can still possible to use others.

So you can choose an image by clicking the Image button, you can choose between predefined bullets or picture that you select using the Import button
Simply validate it to see the bullet is displayed on the list.

Picture bullet

You can also take a character as a bullet, in fact by clicking the Customize button you will see the table of Windows display characters. It will do just select the one you want.
If you select an animated gif as a bullet, you will see the animation in slideshow mode.

B. Assign different sets of bullets to a list

It is quite possible to put different sets of bullets in a list.

To do this simply select the desired line and make your choice in the same way as before.

This is handy when you want to make a numbered list with a different than the text by selecting Customize to display the Character police.

C. Create a sublist in a bulleted list

It is possible to create a sublist of bullet in a bulleted list

The steps are:

Enter your lines.
Select all the lines to create the first level of bullet.
Select the lines you want to indent, and then press the Tab key.
You can if you want to change the bullets by selecting the appropriate lines.

Multi lists with bullets

To remove the indentation, select the indented lines, then press Shift + Tab.
You can also use the buttons on the toolbar Formatting:

Decrease or increase list level

III. Numbered lists

Creating a numbered list does not offer more difficulties than creating bulleted lists.

A. Assign numbering list

Once your list entered, you must select it :

Select your list in Powerpoint

Then you need to right click on the selected list to display the context menu and select Bullets and Numbers.

In the window that will appear you must select the second tab number.

Numbering Menu in Powerpoint

From here you can:

Select one of the 7 numbering styles.
Define the size of the number (in % of the size of the text).
Select color number.
Select the start number.

Just confirm your choice to see the list this number.

Numbered List in Powerpoint

The characteristics of the police numbering (name, cast, etc ...) is the same as the police list items. The only thing is to put a different color. Otherwise you have to go by fleas by selecting a different font and make dialing manually.

B. Create a numbered sublist

It is quite possible to create sub numbered lists, much like the presentation of a table of contents.

So we will see how to list the last step below:

Multi lists with numbers in Powerpoint

Enter all your lines as you.
Create the master list.
Select the items in the first list, and indent (Tab), you will see that the numbering is automatically rebuilt. Do the same on the second sublist.
You can also change the numbering style for this you need to select the elements in your list, display the context menu, and select the style you want.

IV. Format of lists

It is quite possible to format Lists lines independently of each other. You just need to pay attention to the selection of elements before applying the formatting.

A. Font

The following images will explain to you depending on the selection that you formatted.

Selecting the whole list:

Select the full list

Selecting a portion from the list:

Select only a part of the list

Selecting an item from the list:

Select only one element of the list

From there you can using the Formatting toolbar (or the context menu by right click on the selection and choosing Police) make the following formatting:
You can:
Change font attributes: name, size, bold, italic, underline, shadow, color.
Position: Align left, center, right align.

You can not:
Put a background color on the selected row, the color will be displayed on the entire frame.

Selecting a portion of your line (eg the first letter), you can assign a different style to it.
The following image shows you different possibilities:

Affect multiple styles to list elements

You will notice that in the case of a list, the numbering is identical to the first letter of the line formatting.
Do not abuse layouts that are too contrasting, it damages the eye, and your audience will tire more quickly when you are presenting..

B. Spacing and interline

It is possible to change the spacing between selected elements.
To do this select the lines you want to change the line spacing, then go to the Paragraph menu.
You will see the following dialog box appears:

Paragraph Menu in Powerpoint

This will allow you to choose your spaced distance above paragraph, the distance after the paragraph.
There are two possible units, line and point.
When we talk about paragraph in this case, it is not an entire list, but the selected part to be taken into account.

V. Hyperlinks

Numbered lists often represent the contents of the presentation. It may be useful to assign each line of our list a link that points directly to the relevant slide, why we create hypertext links.

A. How to create an hyperlink ?

When you want to turn a line list hyperlink must first select it to highlight it (in the same way to change the font).

Once the selected row display the context menu (right mouse click), and click Hyperlink.

The following window will open.

Insert Hyperlink Menu in Powerpoint

This box allows you to perform several types of links to a web page, a page of your PowerPoint file, and others.

We'll look at our slideshow navigation, for this we will select Place in this document.

Which then gives us the following output:

Insert Hyperlink From the document

So just select what you want as the destination, then confirm.

So your list now includes a hyperlink that leads to a slide in your slideshow. This is what you will find in the first frame of the presentation for download.

B. How to format an hyperlink ?

Your hyperlink has a color and underline, except that color pleases you not, so you try to change it, but nothing works.

Indeed to change the line color of hyperlinks further manipulation is required.

To do this select the Slides pane Office Design - Color Schemes (if the task pane does not appear, go to the View / Task Pane menu.

These color schemes allow you to manage the general color of a page.

VI. List animation

Now we will see in this section how to animate a little our lists examples.

A. How to highlight the item in the list we are talking about ?

The purpose of this exercise is to highlight each line of the list when you click the mouse button.

We will first create a simple list:

Simple list in Powerpoint

To select the events, it is necessary that the task pane is Posted (View Menu / Task Pane), in this panel, select Custom Animation.

Which will give you this:

Animate your list in Powerpoint

Here are explanations of some image window :
Start: Indicates when the animation starts , you have three choices :

Click to : The animation is triggered when you clicked the left mouse button .
With the previous one: This triggers the animation at the same time as the previous animation. This will allow us to carry out several activities simultaneously.
After the previous one: This triggers the animation after the end of the previous one. This will therefore enable trigger animations behind each other without intervention.

Font Style:

This drop down list is linked to the animation that we will engage. In our case, we have the choice between Bold, Italic or Underline. This is a drop-down list box case for your choice.


This list indicates the duration of the animation. You can choose to select a time in seconds until the next click , or until the end of the slide. In our case we will select until the next click.

This method will allow you to highlight the point you're talking about.


The purpose of this article was to show that the bulleted or numbered lists are very simple to do, and animated.
The appearance of the elements as you can leave your audience spellbound by exposing them gradually elements.
You also could see that we combine several sets little animations, which multiplies the combinations.
It goes without saying that all these methods of formatting and animation can be applied to a single sentence.